- Migration and transformation of existing ETL jobs on a new DWH data architecture. Based on a tool for generation of mappings from specified metadata.
- Maintaince and development of acquiring module of card management information system for supporting the business of the card processing provider.
- Development of an information subsystem for Anti-Money Laundering.
- Maintenance and development of the commission modules of information system for supporting the business of insurance companies.
- Preparation of data about suppliers for DWH.
- Making the improvements of a product suite for the complete business support of insurance companies.
- Maintenance and development of financial and accounting applications of an information system for supporting the business of the transmission system operator.
- Unifying and migration of business units and company VAT applications to the Oracle platform.
- Development of an application for managing users roles and rights.
- Development of an interface to enable end users to define the proper subset of reports for scheduled creation and delivery to the financial institutions.
- Development of an application for calculation and building reports of the aggregate securities statistics.
- Consulting services related to the development of business information systems on Oracle platform.
- Migration of the subsystem of integrated information system to the latest technology.
- Making of the study of integrated information system migration to the latest technology, from the host/terminal to three-tier architecture.
- Requirements analysis and making of proposals for improvement of the existing commercial subsystem.
- Development and integration of an application to support the business of insurance agencies.
- Development of the Web application engine metamodel and business data model for Internet information system.
- Development of an information subsystem for the monitoring of internal costs.
- Consultancy aimed at improving the financial and bookkeeping subsystems.
- Development of an integrated information system to support the overall business of the export-import company.
- Construction of an application prototype to support the commercial business of FIAT's national representatives.
- Maintenance, integration and improvement of the existing commercial application system.